My Personal Testimony
I was born into a Christian home, which to many would sound boring. However, I consider myself fortunate that I didn’t have to learn the truth about God the hard way. There have been struggles throughout my life, and God has always gotten me through everything. I went to a public school in Reading, PA, in one of the most liberal parts of the city. In my class, there were 2 Christians, including myself, out of 62 students. Many questioned my faith. However, I was not the Christian to just be brainwashed by whatever I heard. I did my research, and found that Christianity did make more sense than any of the other things that were brought up in science textbooks. I went to a great youth group, and always had Christians supporting me and keeping me accountable. I’ve found it tough to just witness, because no one cares what a Christian has to say, when they already have their sets of beliefs. However, to love people and show them that they are loved, and that you truly care about them, even when they don’t love us back, that makes things much different, and has made people look at me as a Christian in a more positive way. Serving others has really made life great, as has following Jesus.